Test Laboratory

Within DLMS UA, accredited test laboratories assume a critical role as specialized facilities dedicated to conducting compliance and compatibility testing. They cater to both DLMS UA members and non-members, and their accreditation process ensures their capability to provide reliable testing services recognized by DLMS UA. By meeting stringent criteria, these laboratories contribute to maintaining high standards and facilitating testing procedures for DLMS UA specifications or specifications adopted by internationl standardization bodies. 

Accreditation Application

Not yet a member?

A first party test laboratory is a testing facility, owned and operated by a DLMS UA member with advanced or promoter level membership, that can perform testing services against DLMS UA specifications on behalf of DLMS UA members.

First Party Test Laboratories must meet the following requirements:

  • Determine the country / region of accreditation
  • Specify the DLMS UA Generic Companion Profile (s) for accreditation
  • Appoint a representative to the relevant industry-focus DLMS UA Working Group
  • Appoint a representative to the DLMS UA Qualification Board
  • Appoint a representative to the DLMS UA Qualification Working Group

A third party test laboratory is a testing facility, owned and operated by a DLMS UA member with full, advanced or promoter level membership, that can perform testing services on behalf of non-DLMS UA members, against any norm published by any international standardization body having adopted DLMS UA specifications.

Third Party Test Laboratories must meet the following requirements:

  • Determine the country / region of accreditation
  • Specify the DLMS UA Generic Companion Profile (s) adopted by international standardization bodies for accreditation
  • Appoint a representative to the relevant industry-focus DLMS UA Working Group
  • Appoint a representative to the DLMS UA Qualification Working Group

How do i become an accredited laboratory? First Party & Third party



First Party Accreditation is granted to laboratories that possess Advanced or Promoter level DLMS UA membership, allowing them to conduct testing of DLMS UA Member’s devices in accordance with DLMS UA specifications.

Third Party Accreditation is granted to laboratories that hold at least Full level membership in DLMS UA, authorizing them to conduct testing in accordance with DLMS UA specifications adopted by international standardization bodies for non-DLMS UA members. 

Only DLMS UA “Members in Good Standing” can apply for accreditation.

Find out more about how to join DLMS UA.


To begin the accreditation process, applicants log into myDLMS by clicking on the “Login” link at the top of this page.

If the required membership level and status is confirmed, the applicant receives an email with a link to provide further information: comprehensive company presentation, 3 years of financial statements, ISO17025 certificate or equivalent.

Once this information is reviewed by DLMS UA, eligible applicants receive a email to process the full application. 


Eligible applicants submit further documentation and details regarding their processes, equipment and expertise as well as the region and DLMS UA Generic Companion Profile that they are seeking accreditation for.

The full list of information to be provided at this stage can be found here

Once the documentation is submitted, DLMS UA issues an invoice and on receipt of its payment, the submitted information is reviewed.


If the application is successful, DLMS UA and the test laboratory sign an accreditation agreement governing the accreditation.