Electric Vehicle Charging Station
The Electric Vehicle Charging Station Working Group of DLMS User Association is tasked with looking at how the DLMS UA specifications can directly link the EVCS to the smart meter – removing the need for any additional third-party devices in the installation and creating direct benefits to consumers and manufacturers alike.
Using DLMS UA specifications, the EVCS device can leverage real-time energy data from the smart meter without any additional cost. This will enable dynamic load balancing and demand-reponse.
e-Mobility operators can continue to connect to the EVCS through their conventional channels or via the DSO , should such a partnership exist, but in all cases in an interoperable way.
End-consumers can access flexible products such as ‘time of use’ tariffs that can reduce their overall energy costs, and initial EVCS installation costs could potentially be halved due to the redundancy of the ‘energy manager’ device.
Emmanuel DUBOIS (Eaton)