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DLMS UA welcomes the publication of new implementation regulation from the European Commission

The European Commission has unveiled new rules on access to electricity metering and consumption data. The requirements and procedures implemented under this new legislation will ensure that access and sharing of metering and consumption data in EU countries will use one common model. This legislation represents a crucial step towards a more connected and collaborative energy system, as the energy and digital sectors continue to merge.
DLMS UA has been actively working on standardizing this approach and have developed Generic Companion Profiles to ensure the highest level of interoperability and compatibility among devices. These profiles serve as standardized guidelines and specifications, enabling seamless data sharing and consistent behavior among devices, regardless of their manufacturer. By implementing these profiles and certifying compatibility through the services of the DLMS UA, utilities and device implementers can ensure smooth integration and enhanced functionality, benefiting end-users and aligning with the regulations set out by the European Commission.
We are thrilled to announce that the first DLMS UA Generic Companion Profile for smart meters will be available starting July 2023, followed closely by generic companion profiles for Remote Display and EV Charging Stations. These companion profiles combined with a robust interoperability testing and certification process, will further enhance interoperability and enable secure and seamless data sharing across the energy ecosystem.
We are excited about the possibilities this legislation brings and look forward to collaborating with stakeholders to build a more efficient and sustainable energy future.